
Showing posts from July, 2008


So I added 2 apps to my blog: Plurk and BlogLog that somehow are sending posts into the main body of my blog rather than keeping to their little side areas where I placed them. I don't see anything strange or different about my settings or layout, and I'm wondering why all these little 140 character or less posts are showing up in the "meaty" part of my blog. mmmmm.. meaty blog. Anyway, If anyone reads this, I could use some help in figuring this situation out! Anyone?
Rule of editing: Do NOT introduce new errors when you correct old errors. Please follow this advice. Kthxbye
Rough day! Lots of trouble with Adobe Acrobat 8.0 at work
feeling better today! hope it lasts!
what a beautiful day! I wish I felt less sick so I could enjoy it more
Have I mentioned how much I love ADIUM? I didn't know I could combine identities! No more overpacked friend lists! WOOT!

And now for something completely Different... - WoW Videos What is the fascination with celebrities? I sometimes get wrapped up in the hype also, but do I really care how much they spent on their living room furniture? No...I don't even care how much I paid for mine! I just know I like it and it fit my budget. Does it all harken back to a long distant past-- like 5 seconds ago-- when money meant power and success? Do people really think money buys happiness? Why are so many celebrities and rich people in therapy then? Why are their kids miserable? I'm just happy to have a decent roof over my head, be able to take my wife out to nice places once in a while, and have some good books to read-- oh yeah, and to have internet access :-)

Is YOUR bank in financial trouble?

I read this story today on about a "secret list" that the FDIC keeps on banks that are in financial difficulties. For some reason Blogger won't let me create an HTML link, so here's the website: ( As a fairly new investor and someone who grew up without a lot of money, but hopes to acquire some throughout my life, this story troubles me. Basically, it says that the FDIC-- the organization that insures the money that banks hold--knows when banks are in trouble, but won't release the information to the general public. Their rationale is that only about 1% of the banks on the list actually fail, the rest just need some help restructuring or whatever... So, my question is, if a bank is not structured properly to at least maintain, and is in danger of losing a great deal of money (money that isn't theirs, by the way), shouldn't the bank's customers KNOW about it? ...

Social Media

I just attended a meeting of the Social Media Club in downtown Austin. It was my first time attending such an event, and it was quite eye-opening! As the founder of a non-profit organization, I have been attempting to use social media to get the word out about my organization and to try to drum up support. Apparently, I'm doing some of the right things! Andy Meadows, founder of LiveOak360 , was the guest speaker, and his topic was the 10 things to do in the next 10 days in order to get your business talked about through social media. I won't get into the details here, but there will hopefully be something about it on the Social Media Club Austin I provided a little linky :-) I also did a little networking and found out about some organizations in Austin that are set up to help non-profits become more technically proficient and stuff such as that! I highly suggest going to one of these meetings if you're in or from the Austin, TX, area! It was relaxed and pe...


People irritate me a lot. A L O T. I haven't said anything in a long time to certain people who have just been irking me beyond comprehension, but I finally did, and I got told off by a loved one who understands my response to the certain people who have been bothering me. Said "loved one" is upset that she is going to be harassed and dragged into a hopeless situation dealing with the aftermath because she has a direct connection to the certain people who have been peeving me. I'm just ... ugggghhhh ---------------- Now playing: Brian Eno - Nile (An Ancient Egyptian Quest) via FoxyTunes

Repost: Make it right if you screwed it up

Make it right if you screwed it up I was asked to remove this post by the person affected. I doubt anyone read it anyway, so it's no big loss.

Vacation etc

Well, the last week of June was VACATION TIME! WOOT! Judy and I headed out to Ocean City, MD to go to the beach. Judy practically grew up there during the summers when she was a kid, and she wanted to go reminisce, while showing me the greatness of OC. But first we stayed with some friends after arriving in Baltimore around midnight because of plane delays. Then the next day we went to see her sister and grandparents for a little while. That was nice. Judy's been really worried about her grandparents since they've been having a lot of health issues this year. However, they looked great (for being 87 and 85, or somewhere around those ages), so she was relieved. Her dad also drove in from West Virginia, which was nice of him. After that, we drove to OC and found our hotel-- Breakers on 3rd and the Boardwalk. It was a very nice hotel, and I think we definitely got our money's worth! Great space, nice decor, super comfy bed with awesome pillows, and a little balcony we co...