Unemployed and BORED!
So, I don't remember if I posted this before-- I probably did-- but the company where I was working and really enjoying what I was doing was sold in December. Well, as of March 7, I have been "laid off" as a "redundancy" meaning the new company already had enough people doing the same job as me.
Since then, I've been looking for jobs. Now, I don't have to pound the pavement, but my fingers are sore from typing so many emails to companies! At least I've completed my resume pretty accurately and completely, (I hope). Today alone I've applied for 3 jobs, and received one phone call for an interview next week.
I also attended a career fair yesterday at the local university. Surprisingly, there weren't many opportunities available for someone with my experience. Many of the positions were internships and/or entry level type positions. I still took names, emails, flyers, pamphlets, and business cards, etc, because you never know, right!? Network, network, network!!!!!!
Anyway. When I'm not applying for jobs or trying to figure out my unemployment benefits, I've been playing a video game that was a Christmas gift. I'm on the final leg of that, and can't wait to be done with it! It's a great game, but I'm just getting bored :-/
Saturday is TCGC regional A championships. We have to leave at 6 am to be there by 8:30 (yes, 2.5 hours away). uggh. I'm not looking forward to it! :-P
After that-- who knows? Have a great weekend!
Now playing: Marilyn Horne - Una voce poco fa
via FoxyTunes
Since then, I've been looking for jobs. Now, I don't have to pound the pavement, but my fingers are sore from typing so many emails to companies! At least I've completed my resume pretty accurately and completely, (I hope). Today alone I've applied for 3 jobs, and received one phone call for an interview next week.
I also attended a career fair yesterday at the local university. Surprisingly, there weren't many opportunities available for someone with my experience. Many of the positions were internships and/or entry level type positions. I still took names, emails, flyers, pamphlets, and business cards, etc, because you never know, right!? Network, network, network!!!!!!
Anyway. When I'm not applying for jobs or trying to figure out my unemployment benefits, I've been playing a video game that was a Christmas gift. I'm on the final leg of that, and can't wait to be done with it! It's a great game, but I'm just getting bored :-/
Saturday is TCGC regional A championships. We have to leave at 6 am to be there by 8:30 (yes, 2.5 hours away). uggh. I'm not looking forward to it! :-P
After that-- who knows? Have a great weekend!
Now playing: Marilyn Horne - Una voce poco fa
via FoxyTunes
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