Drum Corps/ Marching Band/ Winter Guard

So, the drum corps season is over, and now marching band season is underway. I like the kids at the school I'm teaching. They are novice/regional A level, but have potential to be at the top of the class if I ever get time to work with them on movement and weapon basics. They can spin flags pretty well, and some of them are already working on performing the show.

We've been doing a lot of learning of drill lately. The 3rd # is taking a while because it's 24 sets. So far the kids have learned 12 of those sets, so we're 1/2-way there!!! Unfortunately (in my opinion) they spent time teaching a throw-away show that will only be performed four times. I guess they used it to help learn marching basics, but it took time away from learning the competition show. The parents seemed to enjoy it though, and that's always a good thing because it gets their support.

I'm thoroughly and utterly confused by UIL rules. UIL is the "governing body" of TX extra-curricular activities. The main rule: no more than 8 hours of practice a week beyond the school day. Ok. I can kind of understand that-- the kids have time to do homework, have a p/t job if they need. However, we're only using 6.5 hours of that allowed time. I don't get it. I guess that's not really UIL, but it's still confusing. Also, they have all sorts of rules about who can march, what shows you must attend, etc.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing what I can accomplish with these kids during winter guard season. I already have a tentative schedule in place and relayed that info to the current guard director (who will be stepping down in the spring). Hopefully they'll all stick around for indoor guard, and we can bring on a few others to check out winter guard!

On the other hand, I have no clue what's going on with the independent guard! I hope to find out soon.


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