Welcome to a new month

October 1. Usually around this time I'm thinking of leaves changing colors, a cool crispness in the air, hot cider, warm sweaters, and kissing my baby after a haunted hay ride. Today is no exception...However, we live in TX (and before that in FL), so very few, if any of these thoughts will become actuality.

As I look out my window, the sky is blue, the clouds are high, and the leaves are green. The current temperature is 75 with a high of 90. I'm not sure if that has been reached already. It's only 1 pm, so probably not. It just strikes me as exceptionally odd.

October is actually one of my favorite months of the year, but since moving to the south, it's just not the same. We went to a street fair this past weekend, but...I don't know.. it wasn't fun. Maybe it was the people we were with? Maybe it was the fact that the fair was more like a market place. There wasn't much to do but walk around and spend money on stuff--and by that I mean on objects like jewelry, pictures, paintings, blah.

October 1. It's just not the same


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